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Treatment Process 

Getting an initial appointment

  1. Once the medical clearance test results have been received by OzADHD from your GP, our treatment psychiatrist will review the results and book you an appointment.​

  2. You will receive an email with an appointment date and time.

  • Confirm within 48 hours, via email, that you can attend this appointment or the appointment will be cancelled.

  • If you are unable to attend the appointment, please send a return email within 48 hours asking us to reschedule.

Your online treatment consultation 

  • Detailed instructions on how to link /log on for your appointment will be emailed to you.

  • An email reminder will be sent to you two working days prior to your appointment. 

  • You may ‘attend’ your appointment from any quiet place using a mobile phone, tablet or iPad or via your computer.

  • Your first consultation with our treatment psychiatrist will last approximately 45 minutes. A comprehensive treatment plan with our treating psychiatrist will be discussed with you at that first appointment, and information about the treatment will be provided to allow you to make an informed decision. If appropriate, a script will be provided at a subsequent follow-up appointment when you have signed and returned the consent form.

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